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A mother's story of her premature twins To a pub en route to the hospital.We drink big pints of beer and eat tasteless potpies before heading to the nicu. We sit on the vinyl hospital chairs watching our boys sleep.We don't say much for over an hour.My motherinlaw worries about me sitting here for hours at a time.She sends her daughters into the city to take me to lunch.What she doesn't understand, what no one can, is that the only time i find any peace is while keeping vigil over my children.At midnight the nurses go out to their station and exchange new year's greetings.I kiss gus first and whisper,"Happy new year, baby. " It always takes me at least a half hour to leave.I kiss sam, then gus, then sam, then gus.The boys were here for nearly two months before i realized i could kiss them, that i wouldn't be giving them germs.One of the friendly np's had leaned over me and affectionately placed a kiss on sam's forehead. "He's going to have a thing for you,"I said. "You're the first person to kiss him. " "I didn't Plus Size Wedding Dresses UK think i was allowed. "I was suddenly ashamed. "I feel so terrible,"She said. "It's awful deals on dresses that you didn't get to kiss him first. " "Oh, no, please,"I said, still trying to carry the joke off. "I have a feeling he's going to be liking blondes from now on. "And then i smacked a loud kiss on sam's cheek.Later i heard her telling one of the other nurses how bad she felt about it. I have dreamed about this day. On their due date, a nurse tapes probes to sam's and gus's feet and attaches them to portable heart and breathing monitors before pulling the lead wires off their tummies.Suddenly our boys are no longer hooked up to the hospital computers.They are free. And then there i am with my boys, in the waiting area, everyone smiling at us, not even glancing at the emergency oxygen tanks behind the couch. "Don't you feel as if we've stolen them? "I ask dan on the drive home. "Shhh,"He says, concentrating on navigating the city streets as if it were his first time behind the wheel. The cribs have been made up for weeks;The diapers are on the changing table.I remove the boys' hats, and sam and gus open their eyes.I lift sam from his car seat, and dan unzips and pulls off the white down snowsuit not really necessary for the five steps to and from the car.But bundling the boys up like eskimos had been a joyous rite of release, like throwing tasseled caps to the sky at graduation.Our two small souls are home. We Buy Cheap Bridesmaid Dresses drop the boys off with dan's parents for the weekend so that we can go to my brother's wedding, in california. Sam and gus are intrigued by their grandparents' german shepherd, and i wonder if i will eventually have to get them a dog.Sam has just started to sit unsupported.Gus still flops forward awkwardly even when propped up with a boppy pillow.Why can't he just sit up?Even if i adjust for his corrected age, which is 7 months, according to the books he should be able to sit without support by now.Will excitement at sam's achievements always be undermined by our wanting his brother to catch up, and vice versa?Dan and i play a game my brother invented on his last visit in which we press our noses against theirs and say"Near,"Pull our faces away and say"Far"In silly nasal voices that make sam and gus laugh and laugh. Out in california, my brother, will, and his fiance, lane, are married outdoors under a perfect blue sky.If i am with sam and gus, making eye contact or laughing with them, i can note their intelligence.But across the continent, worry clouds my recollection of them and questions resurge.Why is gus so much easier to engage in toys and books than sam, who can seem remote?Recent studies suggest that the stresses of preterm birth might derail the normal development of brain cells.When will i start to define motherhood according to my experience of having boys rather than girls, twins rather than children of different ages or an only child, as a parent of a lanky brownhaired boy and a smaller blond boy, instead of primarily as a mother of preemies? A study of preemies who struggled with behavioral and learning problems during childhood and adolescence concluded that they led welladjusted, normal lives once they reached adulthood.The essential guide for parents of premature babies says that most reach average weight and height, though often not until late adolescence.If i can just make it through 18 more years, will the shock finally subside? My brother and his bride exchange vows, and i start to cry.Not because they look so happy together, which they do, but because there will be difficult times ahead;Because minutes after the service ended, will has already requested a strong scotch from the bartender, and the day is achingly beautiful;Because we are unable to see splendor without contrast;Because there will always be near and far.